구글 스팟 - 맞춤도메인 설정하기

구글 스팟 - 맞춤도메인 설정하기

To properly set up a custom domain for your Blogspot (Blogger) blog, you need to configure DNS settings correctly with your domain registrar. Here's a detailed step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Access Domain DNS Settings

  1. Log in to your domain registrar's website (e.g., where you purchased your domain, such as GoDaddy, Namecheap, or others(Hosting.kr)).
  2. Navigate to the DNS management or Domain settings section.
  3. 호스팅닷 kr에 들어간 후 DNS설정하기

Step 2: Add Required CNAME Records

Blogger requires two CNAME records to be added. These are:

  • CNAME 1:
    • Name: www
    • Target: ghs.google.com
  • CNAME 2:
    • Name: A unique value (e.g., gv-iytyascwmlukrn as seen in the image)
    • Target: Another unique value (e.g., dv.googlehosted.com as shown).

How to Add CNAME Records:

  1. In your DNS settings, look for an option to add a CNAME record.
  2. Add the first CNAME with:
    • Host/Name: www
    • Value/Points to: ghs.google.com
    • TTL: Use the default setting (e.g., 3600 seconds or 1 hour).
  3. Add the second CNAME with the provided unique values from your Blogger dashboard:
    • Host/Name: (e.g., gv-iytyascwmlukrn from the image).
  4. Value/Points to: (e.g., dv.googlehosted.com).

Step 3: Add A Records for Naked Domain

If you want users to access your blog without typing "www" (e.g., withmake.kr), you'll need to add A Records pointing to Google’s servers.

Google's IP addresses:


How to Add A Records:

  1. Add four separate A Records.
  2. Use your domain name (root) as the host (e.g., @ or leave it blank).
  3. Add one IP address to each record.

Step 4: Verify Settings in Blogger

  1. Go back to Blogger's settings, where you added your custom domain.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Blogger will attempt to verify the domain settings. This process may take a few minutes to a few hours to propagate globally.

Step 5: Enable HTTPS (Optional but Recommended)

  1. Once the domain is verified, go to the Settings section in Blogger.
  2. Under HTTPS, enable it to secure your site.

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Propagation Delay: DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate worldwide. Be patient.
  2. CNAME Errors: Double-check the unique values from Blogger (e.g., gv-... and dv.googlehosted.com) and ensure they are correctly entered.
  3. Registrar-Specific Guides: Refer to your domain registrar's help page for DNS management instructions.

For more detailed instructions, you can visit Google's Support Page for Custom Domains.

Let me know if you need help with anything specific!